Personal Injury

Slater and Gordon's partnership with Victim Support

We're pleased to announce our partnership with independent charity Victim Support who are dedicated to supporting people affected by crime and traumatic events. Read more about our partnership.

06 July 2022

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Slater and Gordon is proud to announce our partnership with an independent charity which provides specialist services to people affected by crime and traumatic events, Victim Support.

The charity support people affected by incidents in England and Wales, with services to help people recover and feel empowered so that their voices can be heard. We've an existing relationship with Victim Support, having worked on previous cases such as Grenfell, the Westminster Bridge terror attack and the Manchester Arena Attack. We're proud to now have an official partnership with them so that together we can support even more victims of traumatic events and crime.

Our partnership will train and contribute to three additional virtual terrorism case workers whilst providing Terrorism Exercise Training for an additional 50 designated delegates from Victim Support. We'll also provide TVs for the National Contact Centre. All of this will allow Victim Support to continue helping those affected by all types of crime and provide free confidential support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Madelene Holdsworth, Managing Director of Specialist Legal Services at Slater and Gordon, said: “Slater and Gordon has extensive experience in supporting those most affected by trauma who require legal services. By working with those who have been a victim of crime, we can help them achieve justice and be a crucial tool on the path to recovery.

We have had a long-standing relationship with Victim Support and our ethos and values are very much aligned. By formalising this partnership and committing to providing financial support, we are able to advocate for and further aid the victims we work with on a daily basis with counselling and qualified guidance.”

Simon Ketteridge, Director of Business Development, Insight and External Affairs at Victim Support added: “We are extremely grateful for this opportunity to partner with Slater and Gordon and for their sponsorship of our work, which will help us provide victims of terrorism with the support they need.

Having supported over 1,500 people affected by terrorist incidents over the past five years, we understand the importance of providing specialist services that help people cope and recover. Working with Slater and Gordon, we will be able to reach even more victims and raise awareness of the legal help available to them.”

You can find more information on Victim Support here.

If you or someone you know has suffered a traumatic event and need to speak to a legal expert, get in touch with us today on 0330 159 9859.

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