Personal injury

Client's appeal for answers following asbestos exposure

Our client was diagnosed with mesothelioma in January 2020. She is hoping to trace former colleagues who may be able to help with investigations into how she came into contact with asbestos.

26 February 2021

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The tiny particles, which were used widely in a range of products and building materials until 1999 cause the fatal cancer to develop decades later, after lying dormant in the body.

Mesothelioma is one cancer the particles can cause.

Our client worked in several different mills in the Accrington area in the 1950s and 1960s. She first worked for a company called J.B. Smith & Company (Accrington) Limited in their premises on both Union Road and Market Street in Church. This was a tailor and outfitters business.

She was then employed with Hilden Manufacturing Company Limited, and worked in their premises at Clifton Mill in Oswaldtwistle. She continued doing sewing work there.

Both of these companies were then purchased by Enfield Holdings Limited.

It is believed she may have been exposed to asbestos during these employments through pipe lagging within the premises or by other means.

We are seeking any witnesses who worked at any time for J.B. Smith or Hilden Manufacturing Company within the Accrington area.

In particular, we would like to hear from anyone who can confirm if asbestos was present in the buildings, or materials used to make items in the factory. Any information in relation to the working environment within the factory will be helpful at this stage. We are hoping we can get some answers and justice for our client.

Anyone with information about J.B. Smith or Hilden Manufacturing Company should contact Ellie Andrews on 0330 995 5925 or or David Dunne on 0161 383 3526 or

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