Identification requirements
Identification requirements
In order to satisfy our regulatory obligations, we must obtain and verify evidence of your identity before we can take instructions from you.

We require each client to provide us with copies of one document from List A and two documents from List B.

Document verification
One of the following options is required to verify your identity documents:
Option 1 - Once you provide us with copies of the required documentation, a member of our team will contact you to arrange a video call to verify your identity. During the video call we will need to see you and the original identification document so that we can compare them to a provided copy of the same document. We must ensure that the copy document received from you and the document you showed us in the video call are a true comparison and the photograph is a true likeness of yourself.
Option 2 - If you are unable to make a video call, you can attend our offices and bring us the original documents. Please speak to a member of our team to arrange the meeting.
Option 3 - You can arrange to send us certified copies. To have a document certified you will need to take it to one of the following:
- UK Solicitor
- Bank or Building Society Officer
- Estate Agent Branch Manager
- GP (General Practitioner of Medicine)
- Accountant
- Certified Financial Advisor
It is worth noting that we cannot accept Post Office certification.
They will be required to take a copy of the document, and on the copy write the following certification:
Photographic ID: “I hereby certify this to be a true and complete copy of the original and a true likeness of the person seen by me”.
All other ID: “I hereby certify this to be a true and complete copy of the original seen by me”.
The person certifying the document then needs to sign and date the copy. They should then print their name, address, occupation, and the firm they work for below the certification.
Please note that there might be a charge for the certification service.
Please contact us if you have any difficulties with the above.