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Industrial disease

Christopher Briggs

Senior Assosicate

My passion is assisting those who have suffered injury in their work place. It is rewarding, but on occasions can be challenging.

Christopher Briggs

Get to know Christopher

I started out my career over 20 years ago working for on a government scheme for injured coal miners who had suffered respiratory and hand arm vibration syndrome through the course of their employment with the former British Coal.

Over the course of my career, I have represented a number of clients and worked on various types of cases, including

  • Hand arm vibration
  • Industrial deafness
  • Asbestos related disease
  • Work related stress
  • Serious injury arising from road traffic accidents

I have represented I am a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives, having qualified in 2011.

Career highlights

One of my career highlights was in a case for a former injured solider who had been exposed to loud noise, without ear protection, in a training exercise. His hearing was affected immediately, he was medically downgraded and subsequently discharged. He had only been in the Army for a brief period of time and had ambitions to serve for 22 years. He was awarded almost £330,000 at trial; the majority of the losses were for his lost career and income and associated benefits arising from that.

I also settled a mesothelioma claim for almost £250,000, for a widow on behalf of her late husband who had been exposed to asbestos in the course of his employment.

I successfully pursued a claim for hand arm vibration syndrome where the award was £144,000. 4 defendants were pursued, one of who the Claimant was employed on a self-employed basis, however he only supplied his labour and all tools and machines, as well as instructions, were provided by the company.

More recently, settling a road traffic accident for a motorcyclist who had sustained a serious injury. The issue was an intended return to work and co-morbid conditions accelerated by the accident that may well have impacted on the ability to perform pre-accident role. This presented a risk for the Claimant. Damages were agreed in the sum of £120,000, which accounted for some loss of employment post-accident, which was a good outcome given the risks on the acceleration period.

Contact Christopher

Telephone: 0330 995 5368
Office: Sheffield
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