Personal injury

Widow's appeal for answers following husband's asbestos exposure

Our client's husband died in July 2019 just a few months after being diagnosed with mesothelioma and now his widow is hoping to find answers about when and how he came into contact with asbestos.

22 February 2021

Newsroom - factory (asbestos)

The tiny particles, which were used widely in a range of products and building materials until 1999 cause the fatal cancer to develop decades later, after lying dormant in the body.

Mesothelioma is one cancer the particles can cause.

Before his death, Albert* went through his work history, and remembered working for a local engineering giant in 1959. It's believed he may have come into contact with asbestos during this time.

Then 17, Albert spent 9 to 12 months working as an apprentice with CA Parsons, a large electrical engineering firm based at Heaton Road in Wallsend.

This firm later merged with Reyrolle in the late 1960s to become Reyrolle Parsons.

During his time at the factory, the father of one, was tasked with fetching and carrying things for engineers, plus sweeping the site. He suspected this could have been where he was exposed to the deadly fibres.

His widow said: “He was a lovely guy and really well liked by everyone. He was a keen gardener, always working away in his greenhouse, particularly growing tomatoes. He also enjoyed football and supported Newcastle.

“The first signs we knew something was wrong was a pain he got in his side. The pain was around for a couple of months, then he went to the doctor and it was mesothelioma. He died months later.

“It would be good if we could find someone who worked with him, or worked at this factory to help work out how he was exposed to asbestos.”

Her lawyer Emma Newman from Slater and Gordon is helping with this appeal, she said: “We are seeking any witnesses who worked at any time for CA Parsons, or Reyrolle Parsons at the site on Heaton Road.

“In particular, we would like to hear from anyone who can confirm if asbestos was present in the building, or materials used to make items in the factory.

“Any information in relation to the working environment within the factory will be helpful at this stage. We are hoping we can get some answers and justice for our client, which we couldn’t get before this fast moving cancer took his life.”

Anyone with information about CA Parsons should contact Emma Newman at Slater and Gordon on 0161 383 3474 or email

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