Slater and Gordon secure settlement of £40,000 for injured shopper

Associate Solicitor, Anna Ginty, helped a full-time carer secure compensation after suffering painful injuries after slipping at a local shopping centre.

06 December 2022

The client

Our client, a full-time carer and mother, suffered substantial damage after slipping on sweetcorn near a stand while out shopping at her local shopping centre.

Our client took a blow to the head, soft tissue contusion to the back and soft tissue injury to the right elbow and arm. The pain in her back has caused her significant ongoing pain.

Several other defendants were involved in the case, with each contributing a share of damages.

Fault was disputed by the third party, and the case proceeded into court.

The challenge

While our client had suffered painful injuries, it was difficult to link the injury to the accident. This was because the claimant’s notes contained no significant injury complaint in her lower back, neck, or elbow following the accident until October 2019.

The medical records provided a significant risk that only a minor injury would be linked to the accident; significantly impacting the value of the claim.

The settlement

The defendants prepared a settlement, and following our negotiation, we secured a £10,000 increase in settlement. The case concluded without the need for a trial and before the defendants commenced obtaining separate medical evidence.

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