Employment rights
What are flexibility clauses?
Can your employer change your job title and responsibilities? Read our expert insight into flexibility clauses and variation terms in employment contracts.
We're often asked about the section in employment contracts where it states that you may be asked to carry out duties in addition to your role that are deemed reasonable. People ask questions like “what is this?”, “what does it mean?” and “can my employer change my job?”
As these are common concerns that people have about their employment contracts we thought it would help to explain how an employer might be able to make changes to your job title and duties.
Ways your employer can make changes to your employment contract
- If the wording of your contract already allows your employer to make the changes to your role
- If your contract includes a specific flexibility clause relating to your job title and role which allows your employer to make changes
- If your contract includes a general right to make changes to your terms (known as a variation term)
If any of these clauses are in your contract, this doesn’t mean that your employer can make the change without breaching your contract.
When an employment contract says you may be expected to carry out other ‘reasonable’ duties that are asked of you besides those associated with your main duties it is known as a ‘flexibility clause’.
The inclusion of a flexibility clause in your contract may enable the duties of your role to be changed within reason.
When your employer wants to change your title or duties
First of all - check your contract. Examine how broadly defined your job title and duties are in your contract and within any job description. The exact wording will be important to decide whether the change is allowed. Is there a flexibility clause?
Secondly, check your employment contract to see if there is a general variation term. This is a clause that allows employers to change any terms or conditions within your contract without asking you.
This type of clause tries to get around the general principle that any changes to your employment contract must be agreed by you. Courts and tribunals only very rarely uphold these types of clauses.
Employers can't change your job in any way they want to just because a variation term exists. They may try and use a general variation term to change your job description but they're unlikely to be able to rely on a variation term in making changes that will significantly disadvantage you, such as taking overtime away from you or reducing your number of working hours.
If there is a flexibility or variation term in your contract then that doesn't mean you can't challenge any changes to your contract that your employer wishes to make. If an employer goes too far in the changes they make then it could be a breach of trust and actually breach the contract you hold with them.
When to seek advice
If you're certain that you do not agree to a change made to your job title or any additional responsibilities added to your role then you should make it clear that you don't agree to the change and state why in writing to your employer.
If you're unsure about the position, contact our employment experts online or by calling on freephone 0330 107 6514. They can advise on whether you have to agree to the change or how you should object.
All the above information was correct at the time of publication.