Inclusion and diversity

Gender balance

Gender equality is extremely important to us. We’re committed to creating and maintaining a workplace that is diverse and inclusive in order to attract and retain quality employees.

Man and woman in office looking at screen

Gender Pay Gap

We fully support the Government’s initiative to eliminate gender pay bias. We believe the Gender Pay Gap legislation is an important part of wider efforts to encourage businesses to focus on tackling inequality.

Like other businesses we’re required to publish gender pay information. To demonstrate our commitment to equality within the workplace, we've decided to go beyond the minimum requirements and publish our complete gender pay and bonus gap figures.

Our data shows encouraging results in certain areas of the group and there’s more we can do to ensure we’re at the forefront of driving progress.

To read our 2023 Gender Pay Gap Report, please click here.

To read our 2022 Gender Pay Gap Report, please click here.

To read our 2021 Gender Pay Gap Report, please click here.

To read our 2020 Gender Pay Gap Report (snapshot date 5 April 2020), please click here.

To read our 2019 Gender Pay Gap Report, please click here.

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